
Your Name Here

This week I learned the importance and benefit of committing to memory the names of new acquaintances.  The beginning on a new school year is perfect for this.  Everyone is scrambling to make new friends and find study partners.  There is always someone in the immediate vicinity willing to talk your ear off for a couple of minutes (...or 30).  This week I made a goal to remember at least 3 names from all the different people I was meeting, and be able to remember and use their name the next time I saw them.  

Okay, so 3 names doesn't seem like a lot to remember, but it was a stretch for me.  It made all the difference in my conversations with these people, and I never would have guessed the effect it had on the way these people subsequently interacted with me!  I am so much better friends already with these 3 people than with the other people I talked to but didn't remember their names.  People appreciate being called by their first name and will react positively to that.  

The results I've been seeing have encouraged me to continue to work on remembering the names of new people I meet.  I mean, who doesn't want a lot of new potential friends:)?  I don't know how many names I can remember at a time, but I'm going to keep remembering at least 3 a week.  I might not continue to see as drastic results as I have been seeing lately, but all throughout life, and especially in the business world, remembering names and being more personable with those I interact with will be a very meaningful skill.  

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