
Staying up in the News

This year I'm part of the Model United Nations team at BYU and as part of class, we're required to read the NY Times every day so we can discuss current events during class.  I've been doing it since the beginning of the semester and I've loved feeling so up-to-date with things happening around the world.  It's a good conversation starter, and a nice fall-back for boring Friday-night dates.

They have free copies of the Times at the Kennedy Center every day (shameless advertising plug here for the Kennedy Center!)  and a great website (theskimm.com) that sends short emails every morning with summaries of the days' news.

One of the many funny faces of Hillary yesterday at the Benghazi hearing

I've learned how powerful it is to be aware of events happening around the world and how that knowledge can be used in so many different situations.  It pays to stay current!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a really hard time keeping up with current events, but I try my best because it's so important. I hate when people feel the need to express their opinions and they don't actually know what they're talking about. Thanks for the reminder to stay current. I don't want to be an uninformed voter.